SAMPLE : Rise & Shine #1 "I am Safe and Free to Be Me"

RISE & SHINE, SUN SHINE......and Good Morning, Good Day, Top of the Morning, to Ya, Buenos dias, Bonjour, Good Day Mate, or however other way you greet people in the morning. It is time to Rise and Shine!!!!

My first Tip: Morning Pep-talk

It is easy to get bogged down before you even start the day when your list of items to accomplish comes to your mind. Or maybe you have a particular worry that won't go away.

I have found the easiest cure for starting the day off with a little spring in my step is this morning practice I do the minute I open my eyes.....

The minute I open my eyes, I say these words out loud, or in my head


(and I say it with enthusiasm several times....It's my little pep talk in the morning)


LOOK Below. The sample for the link to download your Rise & Shine, Sun Shine Journal with Me page.

I created Rise & Shine for you to give you a BOOST in the morning (or any time of the day) right before you start your projects.

The statement above, as well as other motivational messages, when repeated over and over, the mind will replace old beliefs that are fueling your inner critic, and REPLACE them with fresh new thoughts and insights.

(Not to get all technical on you....but your mind is FILLED with neuro-pathways...which are thoughts. And the more you focus on a particular thought the STRONGER that pathway becomes.)

SO, let's make sure we are heading down a pathway that will guide us into wonderful moments, instead of leading us off a cliff formed from negative thinking or complaining.

As old thought patterns thoughts are replaced, one begins to feel more energy and enthusiasm to be productive and happy.

These Rise & Shine pages are POWERFUL mindset changers. Each is created through my process Cre8 Reminders©. (To learn more about Cre8-Reminders© refer to my website tab (Online course) - the training for creating your own is found in "The Artisan's Journey" course.

NOTE: This one below is a sampling of what you will find in these camp classes. It is not the download pdf. You will find the download in the next lesson, with the link below the picture

Updated #1 Create Page 8.5 x 11 in copy.pdf
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